Monday, August 13, 2012

Mystery Meatball Mumu Monday

Mumus and Meatballs…It must be Monday.

I came in today with a brilliant idea.  This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to visit family friends renting a house for the week on Long Beach Island.  As an Atlantic City girl, this was a nice change of pace from the homeless people on the boardwalk that hiss at me as I walk past.  Some of them have trouble making the “s” noise though, since they have never been introduced to toothbrush technology.  I guess then it just turns out to be more of a lisp-y spatter.

Anyway, my brilliant idea was inspired by my dear neighbor who has always been like a second mom to me.  A more laid-back, more forgiving of disorganized people, type mother.  She was raving about the brand new mumu she got this weekend.  A tie-dye, one-size-fits-all, sleeves-like-wizard, mumu. You can imagine how quickly Dior got on the horn with her to completely redesign the fall runway looks for NYC fashion week. If you don't know what a mumu is, think of what they use to cover Connecticut when it rains (100 points if you know I didn't make that joke up myself), or just see the photos below.

I thought to myself, and by "myself", I mean out loud since I rarely have a filter or inner monologue,  “Gee wilikers! There are some large people in this world.  If one size really does fit all, then the possibilities of the functionality of a mumu seem to be shafted when it is only used for clothing purposes.  Let’s think outside the box…” Yeah, ok I didn’t say “Gee wilikers”.

I present, 6 OTHER uses for mumus.
1. Camping Tent: 
The bottom line is that if you have a mumu, you have everything you need for camping.  Mumus can also be used to pack up your clothes and hang them on the back of a stick like in old western times.  You have clothing, obviously.  You have a towel.  If you’re fortunate enough to camp in cabins you have bedding (see: #3).  Last but not least, I bring you, the mumu tent.

2. Car Cover:  
This all depends on what’s more valuable to you: Your Mercedes or your mumu?

3. Fitted Sheet: 
There are people in this world who are mattress sized.  If it doesn’t fit the mattress, then is it really one-size-fits-all?  Think again, mumu makers.  Think again.

4. Hammock:  
You don’t even have to take your mumu off to make a hammock.  Just bunch up some extra fabric and ask any friends you still have, despite the fact that you bought a mumu, to tie you between two trees.  The challenge isn’t making the mumu hammock work; it’s finding friends.

5. Curtains:  
This is just the reverse idea of something Maria thought of back at the start of World War II.  Some children need playclothes, some houses need curtains.  It all depends on where you are in your life.  I dedicate this makeshift mumu décor example to my mother, as this is her favorite movie.  For more enjoyment, watch Frederick, the eldest son, and never take your eyes off of him.  Ever. 

6. Pool Cover:  
What uses have you for your mumu in the winter?  You cry, “Too cold, too breezy!”  Next time you don’t want to shell out the money for this “seasonal” attire, keep in mind that your mumu could be your pool’s guardian angel through the wintery months.  It can literally go right off your back, onto your pool, then right off the pool back onto your back.  It’s a vicious cycle, and while we’re on the subject, you might want to throw a rinse cycle in there at some point.

On a totally separate, but alliterative note, today, as part of my job duties, I pushed an office cart stocked with two crock pots and two more stove pots full of meatballs- one batch regular and one batch gluten free.  I pushed them across Market Street, one of the busiest streets in Philadelphia, in the midst of both Drexel and UPenn’s campus.  If I were ever considering meeting a dateable college student while strolling around Philly, my chances are now shot.  I dodged a SEPTA trolley car, other cars, other humans, and ran over my own toes twice.  People were mistaking me for a lunch truck.  I would say I felt like the pied piper, but I forgot my piccolo today.  

Here’s another alliteration: Mystery Monday.  What is my job? Tune in next time for more clues…

Happy Mystery Meatball Mumu Monday.

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